If you are getting "Your connection is not private" in Google Chrome and reload is not working. This blog will fix the most common issue causing this.
Firstly, notice is the type of NET error (red arrow in pic below) which will help you diagnose the issue.
This post will solve the following NET errors;
- "NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID" or "Your clock is behind" or "Your clock is ahead" - means you cannot use HTTPS because SSL certificate on server has been expired.
Solution: Change time and time to be exactly time, synchronized to atomic clock. See below - NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID or NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID - means that the name of the certificate does not match the site you are visiting. Server's certificate does not match the URL. Server could not prove that it is the trusted Website because its security certificate is from different URL.Quick Solution: Try only use http:// to load the page. Don't use https://, since some top websites that still use http://, but usually not the cause.
Solution: Change time and time to be exactly time, synchronized to atomic clock. See below
Other common NET errors are;
- NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID – It means the SSL certificate issuing authority is unverified.
- NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED – It means the SSL certificated has been removed by issuing authority.
Solution: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6098869
Solution: How to set exact time on Windows 8, 8.1, 10
Right-click the time in system tray (1) and choose Adjust date/time (2)

Make sure "Set time automatically" is On. Make This will update from Microsoft's default time server.
Done !
Now that should update you clock to match your phone time exactly! Being off by a few seconds can cause this error.
Click Reload button in page. This should fix the issue. If not then time has not updated, see below!
If times does not update immediately, continue below to force a refresh!
Detailed Time Settings
Choose Region & language on left panel

Make sure "Set time automatically" is On. Make This will update from Microsoft's default time server.
Done !
Now that should update you clock to match your phone time exactly! Being off by a few seconds can cause this error.
Click Reload button in page. This should fix the issue. If not then time has not updated, see below!
If times does not update immediately, continue below to force a refresh!
Detailed Time Settings
Choose Region & language on left panel
In diagram below follow these steps as numbered;
- Choose Additionally date, time & regional settings
- Opens a new window and click Set the time and date
- Opens new window and choose Change settings... button.
This opens a window titled Internet Time Settings
Which indicates the Internet time server currently being used synchronized with.
Click Update now to refresh and get exact current time!
Click Reload button in Google Chrome. This should fix the issue.
Set a Time Server for your country
NOTE: For privacy and more accurate time, choose a time server close to you. Most of these time servers are based on the official atomic clock for you country.
Each respectable nation in the world, has their own Time Servers, and here's a brief list;
- USA - time.nist.gov
- Canada - time.nrc.ca
- UK - ntp2c.mcc.ac.uk University of Manchester
(UK Nation Physics Lab NTP Server is no longer funded) - More NTP Servers listed here for more country selection
Solution: How to set exact time on Windows 7
Same as above as in Win10
Same as above as in Win10

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