Path Too Long Auto Fixer (PTLAF) is the 1st and only tool that will automatically correct paths and filenames to fit under the 260-character limit in bulk. Get rid of the error for good and ensure 100% back-up all of your files to the cloud.
Latest Release is v5.5 available here
Other tools make you go through hundreds of files, one-by-one, renaming and copying them somewhere. Who has time for that now-avoidable activity?
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PTLAF Release 3 (R3) Interface
Release 3 (R3) Free Demo
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Release 3 (R3) Improvements
- Strict adherence to preserve file length (PFL), no spaces removed by default as in Release 2. R3 does NOT include extension length now. So in R3 length 3, represents won.txt or won.text, in R2 a.txt would be of length 5.
Default is 25, but absolute min would of length 3 to be still readable. But you can but can goto 0 if you really need to super crunch the file name. - Paths that are attempted to be compressed and there no advantage gained, the letter case of the original path or filename will be preserved. In R2, title case would be applied regardless.
- Collision detection, if generated shortened name happens to result in the same previous generated short name, this will rename it by adding a 0-9 at the end of the filename. There are 0-9 slots. Example, wn.txt if exists will be renamed to w0.txt, then next one w1.txt, etc.
- Added a clean-up option to delete all empty source directories. A confirmation pop-up will appear when using the Execute button. In the Powershell generated script just uncomment that section of the script.
- Execute button will do in client processing;
- Includes option to be delete all empty source directories (target in R4 this will be migrated to an option)
- Handles read-only files (not in Powershell, target R4). Hint, if PS fails, use Execute button for read-only files only.
- Execute button produces a full transaction log (C:\Users\{Username}\FixLongPaths_{timestamp}.log) so you can track file changes.