Techies, this is outrage for the Microsoft Developer Community that is trying to learn new software and promote Microsoft software use. How backwards is this. Bad move if developers cannot learn to use at a expert level and develop your software in a meaningful way. Free evaluations for 90-day or 180-days is a royal pain, considering you need 4 virtual servers to mimic SharePoint to run in a enterprise setting, this is huge effort to build out for it then to be blown away.
Please sign the following petition to save Technet so we developers have access to affordable Microsoft Technologies.
13,197 Supporters so far to Save Technet |
PS. Still have access to Technet and want to queue downloading the entire library ?
Microsoft® File Transfer Manager
How do I determine if I already have a current version of FTM on my computer?
Try to launch the FTM client that may exist on your computer. Following are the ways in which you can launch FTM:
- Check if you have a desktop shortcut for FTM. If yes, you can click it to launch.
- Check if you have FTM in your start menu. If yes, you can click it to launch.
- If you are using Internet Explorer, you may already have FTM installed on your machine automatically from your earlier visits to a Microsoft Program's web site. Follow the below steps to verify this and launch:
- Open a command window (Start, Run and type cmd or command depending on version of Windows)
- Change Directory to %SystemRoot%\Downloaded Program Files\
- Type TransferMgr.exe <enter>
Once launched, you can check the version of FTM by viewing the control menu from upper left corner of the window and selecting the "About" option.