How to Delete Microsoft Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Files
MS Edge .dmp hole |
This post will deal with Microsoft Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Files which get generated when Edge crashed and this report is generated and sent to Microsoft.
BTW You can turn off that feature in Settings, search for "crash reports", and you get the following setting. A restart is required of the browser to take effect.
d data about how you use the browser
Improve Microsoft products by sending crash reports and data about how you use the browser
Microsoft Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Files are generate in the following directory
%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad\reports
These file are about 504Kb in size, but are not being cleanup. The good news is that these files can be analyze and viewed using WinDbg, check the following links;
A deep discussion of these files is located at the Chromium Dev Group discussion, see!topic/crashpad-dev/2YZHzOpeAT8
Here's how to do some spring cleaning of your Microsoft Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Files.
DMP files are generated in following directory
%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad\reports
Copy and paste following batch file code and save it with .bat extension, and run it from a command line.
REM Removing Microsoft Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Files in a Batch Program
REM Wed 29-Jul-20 1:52pm
REM /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each file.
REM /F Force deleting of read-only files.
REM /S Delete specified files from all subdirectories.
REM /Q Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to delete on global wildcard
REM /A Selects files to delete based on attributes
REM attributes R Read-only files S System files H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving - Prefix meaning not
echo. Begin Edge Crash Reports (.dmp) Delete
cd "%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad\reports"
DEL /F /S /Q *.dmp
echo. End *.DMP Delete