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Saturday, June 10, 2017

How to Add an "Open With Notepad As Administrator" Shortcut to the File Context Menu in Windows 10

Would you like to resolve the following errors;
  • "Would you like to save in the My Documents instead"
  • "You don't have permission to save in this location"
  • "Access Denied" when saving a file ? 
  • or simply need a "Send to > Notepad (Administrator)" shortcut

"Open in Notepad as Admin" File Context-Menu shortcut Updated for Window 10 and Creators Update

This script installs "Open in Notepad as Admin" context menu item when you right-click on an editable file. This then opens Notepad in an elevated Administrator privileged to edit. (see image to right)

This utility has the following features; 

Does not install any software, just sets some registry settings to enable the menu shortcut.  Additionally,  it provides a proper uninstall option.

  • Works in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 10 Creators Update (and  equivalent Server versions).
  • comes with proper uninstaller located in "Add or Remove Programs" or Programs and Features
  • update to my original April 27, 2014 script, others have copied me (wikiHow, etc)


Prerequisite:  Your user account must be part Administrators group or you know Administrator password to install. 

1. Tip! Back-up your registry as a precaution.

2. Download and unzip file
3. Simply, right-click onOpeninNotepadAsAdmin2017.inf and click Installthat's it.

How to Use

To test this now right-click on a any file and you see the new context menu "Open in Notepad as Admin" option!

You'll get an escalation in privileges User Account Control (UAC) promp to allow editing of this file as Administrator. Yes, to edit.

Why are you getting this UAC if your account is in Administrator group? 

As an administrator, you have the credentials to perform administrator functions. On Windows 7+, an administrator account does not necessarily run a program with administrator privileges, programs are still run in a secured mode. It's meant to prevent unintentional changes on the system.


The great thing about this script file, is it creates a uninstall option.

Search for "Add or Remove Programs" or goto Programs and Features, and right-click on the "Open in Notepad as Admin (Uninstall only)" and choose Unistall to completely remove.

Similar Utilities of Interest

Shutdown, Restart, Log-off, Hibernate, Lock Workstation, Switch User Start Tiles for Windows 8/8.1/10 featuring new Metro Icons

Administrative Tools Metro Tile, Control Panel "God Mode" Metro Tile, Windows Update Metro Tile , Windows Explorer Search Metro Tile for Windows 8.1,10 


  1. You can ask for a feature here =
    There is this Save as Admin -

  2. Hi!
    Now, in 2021, there is a much easier way.
    1) Create a Notepad++ shortcut in the "SendTo" folder, from the exe file. (Drive:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo)
    2) Right click on the shortcut and open "Properties"
    3) Click on the "Shortcut" tab (translating from Swedish here, but it is the tab with the path to the source file)
    4) Click on the "Advanced" button to the right below.
    5) In this "Advanced Properties", set a tick in the "Open as Administrator" checkbox.
    I changed the name of the shortcut to "Notepad++ (Administrator)", but that is of course optional.

    OBS! An important thing to remember is that one cannot have a "normal" Notepad++ session open, as well as an "administrative" one at the same time! I have found that if I have a normal session open and I activate the administrative shortcut, I end up in the "normal" session. If I close that session, the shortcut works perfectly: right click one the file you want to open, choose "Open with" in the menu and then the shortcut you have created.

    : P

  3. Sorry!
    I just saw an error in my post above. It should not be "...choose 'Open with'", but instead "Send To" of course.
    : P

    1. Added, but this article was originally for notepad not notepad++ but the ancillary information may provide use.



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