Not well publicized, but here's is a Windows Registry Value Types Distribution numbers and graph for an Windows 7 Ultimate registry developer machine. To understand the registry in a detail look at registry at or search this blog with "Registry"
Exported DataType | Registry Data Type | Counts |
"value" | REG_SZ | 1417270 |
dword: | REG_DWORD | 531122 |
hex: | REG_BINARY | 347749 |
hex(2): | REG_EXPAND_SZ | 28945 |
hex(7): | REG_MULTI_SZ | 24957 |
hex(b): | REG_QWORD | 4561 |
hex(0): | REG_NONE | 1271 |
hex(8): | REG_RESOURCE_LIST | 259 |
hex(6): | REG_LINK | 0 |
Type Frequency | 2356409 |
All the registry types are translated listed as follows;
"value" alias hex(1) | Default or blank | String value data with escape characters |
hex alias hex(3) | REG_BINARY | Binary data (any arbitrary data) |
dword alias hex(4) |
| A 32-bit unsigned integer coded in little-endian format |
hex(0) | REG_NONE | No type (the stored value, if any) |
hex(1) | REG_SZ | A string value, normally stored and exposed in UTF-16LE (when using the Unicode version of Win32 API functions), usually terminated by a NUL character |
hex(2) | REG_EXPAND_SZ | An “expandable” string value that can contain environment variables, normally stored and exposed in UTF-16LE, usually terminated by a NUL character |
hex(3) | REG_BINARY | Binary data (any arbitrary data) including variable byte encoded UTF8 values |
| A 32-bit unsigned integer coded in little-endian format |
hex(5) | REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN | A 32-bit unsigned integer coded in big-endian format |
hex(6) | REG_LINK | A symbolic link (UNICODE) to another Registry key, specifying a root key and the path to the target key |
hex(7) | REG_MULTI_SZ | A multi-string value, which is an ordered list of non-empty strings, normally stored and exposed in UTF-16LE, each one terminated by a NUL character, the list being normally terminated by a second NUL character. |
hex(8) | REG_RESOURCE_LIST | A resource list |
hex(9) | REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR | A resource descriptor |
hex(a) | REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST | A resource requirements list |
hex(b) | REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN equivalent to REG_QWORD |
A 64-bit integer little-endian (introduced in Windows XP)
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