Running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows! original at and presented at recent Build 2016 March 30 - April 1. In this video we’ll outline why and how we’re enabling Windows 10 to run native Linux apps and tools directly on Windows! This is not a virtual machine with it own virtual ip address, this is running natively. To accomplish this, Microsoft built new infrastructure within Windows – the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) – upon which we run a genuine Ubuntu user-mode image. The result is that you can now run native Bash on Ubuntu on Windows!
You can now run Bash scripts, Linux command-line tools like; git, sed, awk, grep, etc... and you can even try Linux-first tools like Ruby, Git, Python, etc....
etc. directly on Windows.
You can also access your Windows filesystem from within Bash allowing you to work on the same set of files using your preferred Windows tools or Linux command-line tools. Warning: Beta so far While you’ll be able to run native Bash and many Linux command-line tools on Windows, it’s important to note that this is a developer toolset to help you write and build all your code for all your scenarios and platforms. This is not a server platform upon which you will host websites, run server infrastructure, etc. For running production workloads on Ubuntu, we have some great solutions using Azure, Hyper-V, and Docker, and we have great tooling for developing containerized apps within Windows using Docker Tools for Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code and yo docker. Installation Guide for Ubuntu on Windows
At No. 23, the lowest-ranked job that software developers would be candidates for was the standard developer position: software engineer. The pay is good, though (average base salary: $97,000), and the number of job openings is extraordinary: 99,000. No other job came close when in terms of demand. That probably explains why you're reading this column.
Next up, at No. 21 and No. 20, are UX designer and database administrator. Both have an average base salary of $96,000 but there are only 2,000 job openings for UX designers while there are 9,000 job openings for database administrators. Furthermore, that database administrator job is related to other jobs, higher in the list. The major issue is that most developers will regard you as a pain.
Moving up five points to No. 17 and No. 16 brings you to quality assurance manager and security engineer. The salary for both is about $5,000 more than the previous two positions ($102,000). It may say something about quality assurance in software development that QA manager has the fewest job openings of any of the software-related jobs on the list (1,700). Plus, of course, everyone hates you, not just the developers. Security engineer has only slightly more openings (2,100) but you have to consider the certainty of being fired the first time your company gets hacked."
Visual Studio Code features a battle-tested code editor that has most of the industry standard features, but also has some delights. We've been using it to build VS Code and we hope you'll love it too. This topic will walk you through some of the notable features of the code editor.
Bracket matching
Matching brackets will be highlighted as soon as the cursor is near one of them. The right bracket will always be found, regardless of embedded languages.
Tip: You can jump to the matching bracket with kb(editor.action.jumpToBracket)
Selection & Multi-cursor
VS Code has support for multiple cursors. You can add secondary cursors (rendered thinner) with kbstyle(Alt+Click). Each cursor operates independently based on the context it sits in. The most common way to add more cursors is withkb(editor.action.insertCursorBelow) or kb(editor.action.insertCursorAbove) that insert cursors below or above.
Note: Your graphics card provider might overwrite these default shortcuts.
kb(editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch) selects the word at the cursor, or the next occurrence of the current selection. kb(editor.action.moveSelectionToNextFindMatch) moves the last added cursor to next occurrence of the current selection.
Tip: You can add more cursors also with kb(editor.action.selectHighlights), which will add a selection at each occurrence of the current selected text or with kb(editor.action.changeAll), which will add a selection at each occurrence of the current word.
Column text selection
Hold kbstyle(Shift) and kbstyle(Alt) while dragging to do column text selection:
There are also default key bindings for column selection on OS X and Windows, but not on Linux. You can edit yourkeybindings.json to bind them to something more familiar if you wish.
Quickly shrink or expand the current selection (applies to all languages). Trigger it withkb(editor.action.smartSelect.shrink) and kb(editor.action.smartSelect.grow)
Here's an example of expanding the selection with kb(editor.action.smartSelect.grow):
We'll always offer word completion, but for the rich languages, such as JavaScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, C# and TypeScript, we offer a true IntelliSense experience. If a language service knows possible completions, the IntelliSense suggestions will pop up as you type (we call it affectionately 24x7 IntelliSense). You can always manually trigger it withkb(editor.action.triggerSuggest). Out of the box, kbstyle(.), kbstyle(Tab) or kbstyle(Enter) are accept triggers but you can also customize these key bindings.
Tip: The suggestions filtering supports CamelCase so you can type the upper case letters of a method name to limit the suggestions. For example, "wl" will quickly bring up WriteLine.
Tip: The 24x7 IntelliSense can be configured via the editor.quickSuggestions and editor.suggestOnTriggerCharacterssettings.
Parameter Hints
In JavaScript, TypeScript or C#, parameter hints will pop up as you're typing a method invocation. You can navigate between different overloads with kbstyle(Up) and kbstyle(Down) and the best overload will be presented based on the arguments you pass in.
Snippets and Emmet Abbreviations
We offer built-in snippets across languages as well as support for Emmet abbreviations. You can expand Emmet abbreviations in HTML, Razor, CSS, Less, Sass, XML or Jade with kbstyle(Tab).
You can also define your own snippets: Open User Snippets under File > Preferences and select the language for which the snippets should appear. Find out more about this in the customization section of our docs.
Go to Definition
If a language supports it, you can go to the definition of a symbol by pressing kb(editor.action.goToDeclaration).
If you press kbstyle(Ctrl) and hover over a symbol, a preview of the declaration will appear:
Tip: You can jump to the definition with kbstyle(Ctrl+Click) or open the definition to the side withkbstyle(Ctrl+Alt+Click). If you opened a new editor window, you can go back to the previous editor withkb(workbench.action.focusLeftEditor).
Goto Symbol
You can navigate symbols inside a file with kb(workbench.action.gotoSymbol). By typing kbstyle(:) the symbols will be grouped by category. Just press kbstyle(Up) or kbstyle(Down) and navigate to the place you want.
Open symbol by name
In C# and in TypeScript, you can jump to a symbol across files with kb(workbench.action.showAllSymbols). Just type the first letter of a type you want to navigate to, regardless of which file contains it, and press kbstyle(Enter).
You can fold regions of source code using the folding icons on the gutter between line numbers and line start. Move the mouse over the gutter to fold and unfold regions. The folding regions are evaluated based on the indentation of lines. A folding region starts when a line has a smaller indent than one or more following lines, and ends when there is a line with the same or smaller indent.
You can also use the following actions:
Fold (kb(editor.fold)) folds the innermost uncollapsed region at the cursor
Unfold (kb(editor.unfold)) unfolds the collapsed region at the cursor
Fold All (kb(editor.foldAll)) folds all region in the editor
Unfold All (kb(editor.unfoldAll)) unfolds all regions in the editor
Fold Level X (kb(editor.foldLevel2) for level 2) folds all regions of level X, except the region at the current cursor position
Gutter indicators
If you open a folder that is a Git repository and begin making changes, VS Code will add useful annotations to the gutter and to the overview ruler.
A red triangle indicates where lines have been deleted
A green bar indicates new added lines
A blue bar indicates modified lines
We think there's nothing worse than a big context switch when all you want is to quickly check something. That's why we support peeked editors. When you execute a Reference Search (via kb(editor.action.referenceSearch.trigger)), or a Peek Definition (via kb(editor.action.previewDeclaration)), we embed the result inline:
Tip: You can navigate between different references in the peeked editor and, if you need to, you can even make quick edits right there!
Tip: Clicking on the peeked editor filename or double-clicking in the result list will open the reference in the outer editor.
For languages that support it, the hover will show useful information, such as types of symbols, or, in the case of CSS below, the shape of the HTML that would match a certain CSS rule:
Reference information
C# supports inline reference information, that is live updated. This allows you to quickly analyze the impact of your edit or the popularity of your specific method or property throughout your project:
Tip: Directly invoke the Find References action by clicking on these annotations.
Tip: Reference information can be turned on or off through the editor.referenceInfos setting.
Rename symbol
TypeScript and C# support rename symbol across files. Simply press kb(editor.action.rename) and then type the new desired name and press kbstyle(Enter). All usages of the symbol will be renamed, across files.
Errors & Warnings
Warnings or Errors can be generated either via configured tasks or by the rich language services, that constantly analyze your code in the background. Since we love bug-free code, warnings and errors show up in multiple places:
In the status line there is a summary of all errors and warnings counts.
You can click on the summary or press kb(workbench.action.showErrorsWarnings) to see a list of all current errors.
If you open a file that has errors or warnings, they will be rendered inline with the text and in the overview ruler.
Tip: To loop through errors or warnings in the current file, you can press kb( orkb(editor.action.marker.prev) which will show an inline zone detailing the problem and possible code actions (if available):
If you a developer and use IE/Firefox/Chrome and a version of Kapersky Anti-Virus and you see under the the network tab you see a flood and repeated calls GETS to main.js there a way to turn it off.
Diagnose the problem:
If you look at page source of any website and see a similar line in the source, then you have the Kapersky injection issue.
Having trouble finding a credible jQuery Migrate CDN? Having trouble finding a credible jQuery Modernizr CDN? Look no further Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (MACDN) is always on and trustworthy. MACDN has an extensive jQuery library and really is your one stop shop for jQuery CDN. When you need to maximize you website speed and offload your requests every byte counts. Using a single domain for all your jQuery request does reduce DNS look-ups. Note: Those looking for cross-origin tamper proof javascript CDNs, it's coming, until then go with a trusted source.
Javascript tag attribute integrity constraint is still in Working Draft and will be available upon release to living standard see status here. <script src="" integrity="sha384-oqVuAfXRKap7fdgcCY5uykM6 + R9GqQ8K/uxy9rx7HNQlGYl1kPzQho1wx4JwY8wC" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script>
MACDN deliveries the following libraries & is your one stop shop for Javascript libraries.
The CDN supports SSL (HTTPS) in case you need to serve a web page using the Secure Sockets Layer.
Recent Changes to MACDN URLs renamed to
The CDN used to use the domain name and has been changed to use the domain name. This change was made to increase performance because when a browser referenced the domain it would send any cookies from that domain across the wire with each request. By renaming to a domain name other than performance can be increased by as much to 25%. Note will continue to function but is recommended.
Old Format:
New Format: