
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Administrative Tools Metro Tile, Control Panel "God Mode" Metro Tile, Windows Update Metro Tile , Windows Explorer Search Metro Tile for Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2

The following script will add new Metro styled tiles for Power Admin Users to the start menu.

               Custom Icons for Control Panel, Administrative Tools and Windows Update 
Icons copyright Metadata Consulting, except for Windows Explorer Search icon and Windows logo!

Compatible with Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Server 2012, Server 2012 R2

New tiles include;  
  1. Windows Explorer Search - go directly to Windows Explorer and perform a search
  2. Control Panel (Standard Icons)  - links to a list of all icons as in Windows 7/S2008, not category 
  3. Control Panel (All Tasks) - list all tasks, a hidden feature  
  4. Control Panel (All Settings) - referred to as "God Mode" in Win 7/S2008, a hidden feature
  5. Administrative Tools - root link, not a sub-directory of Control Panel as in current Tile in Win 8+/S2012+
  6. Windows Update - a better designed icon

Purchase $0.99, Download and Install  , see license/instructions below.


If you use this please donation a coffee as a bonus, because that is ridiculously cheep.


The script is free to use and sourced from Microsoft Gallery. The icons (the artwork) are .99$ for personal license for a single computer install, but not commercially. Commercial/Small businesses requires a license to buy the rights to use the icons, which I created, except for Windows Explorer Search icon and Windows logo in Windows Update icon however a mash-up is considered copyright- able work. Don't get shocked, we are talking pennies here. License and Disclaimers listed in scripts.

             Contact for a commercial license.


Purchase $0.99, Download and Install  

  1. Unzip and copy contents to C:\Windows\System32 directory.
  2. Right-click on doWin8AdminTiles-RunMe1st.ps1 and Run with Poweshell. This loads the Poweshell Editor (ISE) with administrator privileges.
  3. In Poweshell Editor (ISE), press green arrow to run the script.
  4. Complete.

    If you see the above light green messages in the console area of the PowerShell ISE, the you have 
    successfully run the script. 

    If you see red, you may have re-run the Powershell IDE with administrator privileges.  Use Windows Search for PowerShell, right-click and run with Adminstratative privileges, see article 
If you have issues further issues click this link for better pictures and instruction.

Shutdown, Restart, Log-off, Hibernate, Lock Workstation, Switch User Start Tiles for Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 featuring new Metro Icons

Tags: Administrative Tools Tile, Control Panel "God Mode" Tile, Windows Update Tile, Windows Explorer Search Tile for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2

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