
Friday, February 15, 2013

Turning off Java for IE9

Test if JAVA plug-in is turned off safely here.... 

How To Disable Java in IE9 (Java Version 7.07 or less) – The two methods below may not disable Java in all circumstances and therefore may not protect against malware attacks such as this week’s new 0-day Java Security Flaw. [see for a detailed list of the steps required to totally disable Java - they are extensive and very complex]

For this reason we now recommend uninstalling Java completely or using a different web browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome) to reduce the risk of malware attack.There are 2 alternative methods – a registry tweak and a Java Control Panel tweak.
Manage Add-ons - Java is disalbe for IE9 DOES NOT WORK.

Here is the result:

Registry Tweak  Be careful when editing the registry – create a system restore point first.
To disable Java in IE, close IE and then use Regedit to open the Registry and change the value of the UseJava2IExplorer registry key to 0 (zero) instead of 1.
Depending on the version of Windows and the Java plug-in, this key can be found in one of these locations:
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\{version}\UseJava2IExplorer
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\{version}\UseJava2IExplorer
Open IE and test Java – you should find it is now disabled – at least as far as online tests are concerned. If you want to re-enable Java in IE just change the registry key value back to 1

Better still, update your Java and follow this:

Test again and this should do it.

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