Wednesday, April 6, 2016

jQuery Microsoft CDN trusted stable source for Migrate, Modernizr and many more

Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network

Having trouble finding a credible jQuery Migrate CDN?
Having trouble finding a credible jQuery Modernizr CDN?  

Look no further Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network (MACDN) is always on and trustworthy. MACDN has an extensive jQuery library and really is your one stop shop for jQuery CDN.  When you need to maximize you website speed and offload your requests every byte counts. Using a single domain for all your jQuery request does reduce DNS look-ups. 

Note: Those looking for cross-origin tamper proof javascript CDNs, it's coming, until then go with a trusted source.

Javascript tag attribute integrity constraint is still in Working Draft  and will be available upon release to living standard see status here.

<script src="" integrity="sha384-oqVuAfXRKap7fdgcCY5uykM6 + R9GqQ8K/uxy9rx7HNQlGYl1kPzQho1wx4JwY8wC"        crossorigin="anonymous" ></script>

MACDN  deliveries the following libraries & is your one stop shop for Javascript libraries.

    jQuery Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery Migrate Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery UI Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery Validation Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery Mobile Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery Templates Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery Cycle Releases on the CDN 
    jQuery DataTables Releases on the CDN 
    Modernizr Releases on the CDN 
    Ajax Control Toolkit Releases on the CDN 
    JSHint Releases on the CDN 
    Knockout Releases on the CDN 
    Globalize Releases on the CDN 
    Respond Releases on the CDN 
    Bootstrap Releases on the CDN 
    Bootstrap TouchCarousel Releases on the CDN 
    Hammer.js Releases on the CDN 
    ASP.NET Web Forms and Ajax Releases on the CDN 
    ASP.NET MVC Releases on the CDN 
    ASP.NET SignalR Releases on the CDN

The CDN supports SSL (HTTPS) in case you need to serve a web page using the Secure Sockets Layer.

Recent Changes to 
MACDN URLs renamed to

The CDN used to use the domain name and has been changed to use the domain name. This change was made to increase performance because when a browser referenced the domain it would send any cookies from that domain across the wire with each request. By renaming to a domain name other than performance can be increased by as much to 25%. Note will continue to function but is recommended.
  • Old Format:
  • New Format:

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