
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Transform Clipboard Contents Between Copy and Paste with tool

Clipboard PlainText PowerTool (CPPT) has advanced clipboard transformations, which have been accumulated since 2014.

You will not find in another tool or text editor, with these transformations features . Each of the power tools have been customized and are unique apps, you'll not find anywhere else. 

CPPT Version 5.1 - 138 productivity functions - 23 Major Power Tools/Apps

CPPT features 1st of its kind, on-the-fly media file metadata extraction

If you copy or move a any file type, CPPT will extract metadata for that file. For media files,  CPPT extracts enhanced metadata automatically and puts onto the clipboard history. Click it, to to copy it to system clipboard.

On-the-fly metadata information pulled from a .DOCX, .MP3 and .MPG file; 

DOCX "Standard Release Form.docx"  2pgs 42.6KB Title:"Microsoft Word - Standard Release Form.doc" Author:"aaggarwa" Company:"John Wiley and Sons, Inc." Mon 04-Jan-21  11:30AM "H:\Downloads2021\Standard Release Form.docx"
	MP3 "01 Genesis.mp3"  5,512KB 44kHz 00:03:55 Title:"Genesis" Album:"Justice" Artist:"Justice" Year:2007 Sat 08-Mar-14  9:43PM "C:\Users\Markus\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Justice\Justice\01 Genesis.mp3" - EXIF metadata detected MPG "ghost.MPG"  6.34Mb 00:00:18 [640wX480h] MPEG-PS(video/mpeg) 2.829Mbps 25.000FPS MPEG Video 8-bits(256bpp) MPEG Audio 1ch-32000kHz-64kbps Sun 28-Oct-12  1:22PM "C:\Users\Markus\Videos\ghost.MPG"
	3 items in 136ms 270ยตs 400ns with enhanced metadata extracted, if available. Enhanced metadata extraction set at <= 20 items.

Here's an example use of clipboard transformation 

Check it out Clipboard Plaintext PowerTool  - the most advanced clipboard tool on the market today!

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