
Monday, June 1, 2020

CSharp - Get a number/integer from a string fast, a speed comparison

Here's a few implementations to extract a integer found at beginning of a string.
See my post on the fastest method to extract the 1st found integer anywhere in a string.

The comparisons below are predicated on first extracting the lead d
igits found in a string ( sign integer allowed), and then converting the string of numbers into an integer.

This is not Unicode compliant, but works for English speaking populations using ASCII numerals 0-9.

Code in case above service perishes. 

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

public static class StringExtensions {
        public static string GetAllIntRegex(this string numint)
          return Regex.Replace(numint, "[^0-9]", "");

        public static string GetLeadIntFast(this string numint)
            bool minus = false; //we pass in absolute number
            if (numint.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                numint = numint.Replace("-", ""); //we expect this to be in first place, not bullet proof but GE
            else if (numint.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                numint = numint.Replace("+", "");

            char[] n = numint.ToCharArray();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                if (!char.IsDigit(n[i]))


            if (minus)
                return string.Concat("-", sb.ToString());
            return sb.ToString();

        public static string GetLeadIntFaster(this string numint)
            bool minus = false; //we pass in absolute number
            if (numint.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                numint = numint.Replace("-", ""); //we expect this to be in first place
            else if (numint.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                numint = numint.Replace("+", "");

            char[] n = numint.ToCharArray();
            int exit = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                if (!char.IsDigit(n[i])) {
                    exit = i; 
            Array.Resize(ref n, exit);

            if (minus)
                return string.Concat("-", new string(n));
            return new string(n); 
        public static string GetLeadIntFastest(this string numint)
            bool minus = false; //we pass in absolute number
            if (numint.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                numint = numint.Substring(1); //we expect this to be in first place
            else if (numint.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                numint = numint.Substring(1);

            char[] n = numint.ToCharArray(); //faster indexing that string indexing
            int exit = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                if (!char.IsDigit(n[i]))
                    exit = i;
            Array.Resize(ref n, exit);

            if (minus)
                return string.Concat("-",  new string(n));

            return new string(n); 

        public static int TryParser(this string numint)
            int y = 0;
            //This is a fair comparison, we must get digits only
            Int32.TryParse(numint.GetLeadIntFast(), out y); //this alone is fast at 502 ticks
            return y;


        public static int TryParserFaster(this string numint)
            int y = 0;
            //This is a fair comparison, we must get digits only
            Int32.TryParse(numint.GetLeadIntFaster(), out y); //this alone is fast at 502 ticks
            return y;


        public static int TryParserFastest(this string numint)
            int y = 0;
            //This is a fair comparison, we must get digits only
            Int32.TryParse(numint.GetLeadIntFastest(), out y); //this alone is fast at 502 ticks
            return y;


        public static int TryParserRegex(this string numint)
            int y = 0;
            //This is a fair comparison, we must get digits only
            Int32.TryParse(numint.GetAllIntRegex(), out y); //this alone is fast at 502 ticks
            return y;

        /// <summary>
        /// Fastest wat to convert a numeric string into an int
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numint">must be numbers and signs only</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int StartsWithInt(this string numint)
            bool minus = false; //we pass in absolute number
            if (numint.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                numint = numint.Replace("-", ""); //we expect this to be in first place, not bullet proof but GE
            else if (numint.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                numint = numint.Replace("+", "");

            int total = 0; //must be zero
            for (int i = 0; i < numint.Length; i++)
                if (numint[i] >= '0' && numint[i] <= '9')  //get lead number only
                    if (total * 10 + (numint[i] - '0') < 0) //we get into negative, if over int.MaxValue
                        return int.MaxValue; //return what you want or throw error

                    total = total * 10 + (numint[i] - '0');
                //return int.MinValue;


            if (minus) total *= -1;
            return total;


        /// <summary>
        /// Fastest way to convert lead digits in a string into an int
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intStr">must be numbers and signs only</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int StartsWithIntFaster(this string intStr)
            bool minus = false; //we pass in absolute number
            if (intStr.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                intStr = intStr.Replace("-", ""); //we expect this to be in first place, not bullet proof but GE
            else if (intStr.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                intStr = intStr.Replace("+", "");

            int sum = 0; //must be zero
            char[] n = intStr.ToCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                if (n[i] >= 48 && n[i] <= 57)  //'0'=48 and '9'=57 get lead number only
                    int z = sum * 10 + (n[i] - 48);  
                    if (z < 0) //we get into negative, if over int.MaxValue
                        return int.MaxValue; //return what you want or throw error
                    sum = z;
                    break; //returns lead digits
                           //or return int.MinValue;


            if (minus) sum *= -1;
            return sum;

        /// <summary>
        /// Fastest way to convert lead digits in a string into an int
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intStr">must be numbers and signs only</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int StartsWithIntFastest(this string intStr)
            bool minus = false; //we need to pass in absolute number
            if (intStr.IndexOf('-') == 0)
                minus = true;
                intStr = intStr.Substring(1); //we expect this to be in first place, not bullet proof but GE
            else if (intStr.IndexOf('+') == 0)
                intStr = intStr.Substring(1);

            int sum = 0; //must be zer0
            char[] n = intStr.ToCharArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                if (n[i] >= 48 && n[i] <= 57)  //'0'=48 and '9'=57 get lead number only
                    int z = sum * 10 + (n[i] - 48);
                    if (z < 0) //we get into negative, if over int.MaxValue
                        return int.MaxValue; //return what you want or throw error
                    sum = z;
                    break; //returns lead digits
                           //return int.MinValue; //or throw error


            if (minus) sum *= -1;
            return sum;



public class Program
 public static void Main()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            Console.WriteLine("12451a 1".StartsWithInt());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("12452a 2".StartsWithIntFaster());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("12453a 3".StartsWithIntFastest());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("12454a 4".TryParser());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("12455a 5".TryParserFaster());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("12456a 6".TryParserFastest());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("This grabs all numbers and NOT JUST LEAD digits!");
            Console.WriteLine("12457a 7".TryParserRegex());
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString() + " ticks");

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