
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

CSharp - Fastest way of getting IPv4 Subnet Mask expansion aka CIDR IP, and speed comparisons

Here's a couple of implementations of getting IPv4 subnet mask expansion or more specifically a CIDR IP subnet mask expansion.

CIDR notation is a compact representation of an IP address and its associated routing prefix. The notation is constructed from an IP address, a slash ('/') character, and a decimal number. The trailing number is the count of leading 1 bits in the routing mask, traditionally called the network mask. The IP address in the notation is always represented according to the standards for IPv4 or IPv6. represents the IPv4 address and its associated routing prefix, or equivalently, its subnet mask, which has 24 leading 1-bits. 


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
public static class SubnetMask
 public static readonly System.Net.IPAddress ClassA = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
 public static readonly System.Net.IPAddress ClassB = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");
 public static readonly System.Net.IPAddress ClassC = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse("");

 public static System.Net.IPAddress CreateByHostBitLength(int hostpartLength)
  int hostPartLength = hostpartLength;
  int netPartLength = 32 - hostPartLength;

  if (netPartLength < 2)
   throw new ArgumentException("Number of hosts is to large for IPv4");

  Byte[] binaryMask = new byte[4];

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
   if (i * 8 + 8 <= netPartLength)
    binaryMask[i] = (byte)255;
   else if (i * 8 > netPartLength)
    binaryMask[i] = (byte)0;
    int oneLength = netPartLength - i * 8;
    string binaryDigit =
     String.Empty.PadLeft(oneLength, '1').PadRight(8, '0');
    binaryMask[i] = Convert.ToByte(binaryDigit, 2);
  return new System.Net.IPAddress(binaryMask);

 public static System.Net.IPAddress CreateByNetBitLength(int netpartLength)
  int hostPartLength = 32 - netpartLength;
  return CreateByHostBitLength(hostPartLength);

 public static System.Net.IPAddress CreateByHostNumber(int numberOfHosts)
  int maxNumber = numberOfHosts + 1;

  string b = Convert.ToString(maxNumber, 2);

  return CreateByHostBitLength(b.Length);
public static class Extensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Fastest way to to find 1st number in a string and convert it into an absolute integer
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="intStr"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static int GetFirstAbsIntFast(this string intStr)

        int sum = int.MinValue; //any error val -9999
        char[] n = intStr.ToCharArray(); //fastest way to index a string
        //int idxFirstDigit = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
            if (n[i] >= 48 && n[i] <= 57)  //'0'=48 and '9'=57 get lead number only
                //if (idxFirstDigit == -1) idxFirstDigit = i;
                int z = sum * 10 + (n[i] - 48);
                if (z < 0) //we get into negative, if over int.MaxValue
                    return sum; //we have negative number, it's an error or throw error
                sum = z;
            else //if (idxFirstDigit > -1)
            //return int.MinValue; //or throw error

        //if (intStr.IndexOf('-') == idxFirstDigit - 1) //chek for neg sign
        //    sum *= -1;

        return sum;

 public static string GetIPv4NetworkMaskByPrefix(this string subnet)
        //CIDR IP format accepted
        int idxForwardSlash = subnet.IndexOf('/');
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subnet) && idxForwardSlash > -1)
            return string.Empty;

        string CIDRIP = subnet.Substring(idxForwardSlash+1);

        int numCIDRIP = 0;
        numCIDRIP = CIDRIP.GetFirstAbsIntFast();
        if (numCIDRIP < 1 || numCIDRIP > 32) return string.Empty; // /1-32 range accepted for ip4

        int calSubNet = 0;
        calSubNet = numCIDRIP;

        switch (calSubNet)
            case 1: return ""; //2,147,483,646
            case 2: return ""; //1,073,741,822
            case 3: return ""; //536,870,910
            case 4: return ""; //268,435,454
            case 5: return ""; //134,217,726
            case 6: return ""; //67,108,862
            case 7: return ""; //33,554,430
            case 8: return "";
            case 9: return "";
            case 10: return "";
            case 11: return "";
            case 12: return "";
            case 13: return "";
            case 14: return "";
            case 15: return "";
            case 16: return "";
            case 17: return "";
            case 18: return "";
            case 19: return "";
            case 20: return "";
            case 21: return "";
            case 22: return "";
            case 23: return "";
            case 24: return "";  //254
            case 25: return "";
            case 26: return "";
            case 27: return "";
            case 28: return "";
            case 29: return "";
            case 30: return "";
            case 31: return ""; 
            case 32: return "";
            default: return "";

    //A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number, called the IP network prefix.
    // -> Netmask =
    public static string GetIPv4SubnetMask(this string subnet)
        //CIDR IP format accepts -> {}/[1-32]
        int idxForwardSlash = subnet.IndexOf('/');
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subnet) && idxForwardSlash > -1)
            return string.Empty;

        string CIDRIP = subnet.Substring(idxForwardSlash+1);

        int numCIDRIP = 0;
        numCIDRIP = CIDRIP.GetFirstAbsIntFast();
        if (numCIDRIP < 1 || numCIDRIP > 32) return string.Empty; // /1-32 range accepted for ip4

        int calSubNet = 0;
        calSubNet = 32 - numCIDRIP;

        long mask = (0xffffffffL << calSubNet & 0xffffffffL);
        mask = System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)mask);
        return new System.Net.IPAddress((UInt32)mask).ToString();

        public static string getSubnetAddressFromIPv4NetMask(this string netMask)
            //CIDR IP format accepted
            int idxForwardSlash = netMask.IndexOf('/');
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(netMask) && idxForwardSlash > -1)
                return string.Empty;

            string CIDRIP = netMask.Substring(idxForwardSlash + 1);

            int numCIDRIP = 0;
            numCIDRIP = CIDRIP.GetFirstAbsIntFast();
            if (numCIDRIP < 1 || numCIDRIP > 32) return string.Empty; // /1-32 range accepted for ip4

            //long bit = 1;
            //bit <<= pow; //now this bitwise shift works
            int calSubNet = 0;
            calSubNet = 32 - numCIDRIP;

            string subNetMask = string.Empty;

            double result = 0;

            if (calSubNet >= 0 && calSubNet <= 8)
                for (int ipower = 0; ipower < calSubNet; ipower++)
                    long bit = 1;
                    bit <<= ipower; //now this bitwise shift works
                    result += bit; 
                    //result += Math.Pow(2, ipower);
                double finalSubnet = 255 - result;
                subNetMask = "255.255.255." + Convert.ToString(finalSubnet);
            else if (calSubNet > 8 && calSubNet <= 16)
                int secOctet = 16 - calSubNet;

                secOctet = 8 - secOctet;

                for (int ipower = 0; ipower < secOctet; ipower++)
                    long bit = 1;
                    bit <<= ipower; //now this bitwise shift works
                    result += bit;
                    //result += Math.Pow(2, ipower);
                double finalSubnet = 255 - result;
                subNetMask = "255.255." + Convert.ToString(finalSubnet) + ".0";
            else if (calSubNet > 16 && calSubNet <= 24)
                int thirdOctet = 24 - calSubNet;

                thirdOctet = 8 - thirdOctet;

                for (int ipower = 0; ipower < thirdOctet; ipower++)
                    long bit = 1;
                    bit <<= ipower; //now this bitwise shift works
                    result += bit;
                    //result += Math.Pow(2, ipower);
                double finalSubnet = 255 - result;
                subNetMask = "255." + Convert.ToString(finalSubnet) + ".0.0";
            else if (calSubNet > 24 && calSubNet <= 32)
                int fourthOctet = 32 - calSubNet;

                fourthOctet = 8 - fourthOctet;

                for (int ipower = 0; ipower < fourthOctet; ipower++)
                    long bit = 1;
                    bit <<= ipower; //now this bitwise shift works
                    result += bit;
                    //result += Math.Pow(2, ipower);
                double finalSubnet = 255 - result;
                subNetMask = Convert.ToString(finalSubnet) + ".0.0.0";

            return subNetMask;

 public static System.Net.IPAddress CreateBySubNetBitLength(this string netMask)
  //CIDR IP format accepted
  int idxForwardSlash = netMask.IndexOf('/');
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(netMask) && idxForwardSlash > -1)
   return System.Net.IPAddress.None;

  string CIDRIP = netMask.Substring(idxForwardSlash + 1);

  int numCIDRIP = 0;
  numCIDRIP = CIDRIP.GetFirstAbsIntFast();
  if (numCIDRIP < 1 || numCIDRIP > 32) return System.Net.IPAddress.None; // /1-32 range accepted for ip4

  int calSubNet = 32 - numCIDRIP;

  return SubnetMask.CreateByNetBitLength(calSubNet);


public class Program
 public static void Main()
      // dup this functionality partially
      string subnetprefix = "/25"; 
   Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); 
            Console.WriteLine("Using getSubnetAddressFromIPNetMask");
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString("#,0") + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("Using compact GetSubnetMask");
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString("#,0") + " ticks");
            Console.WriteLine("Using compact getNetworkMaskByPrefix");
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString("#,0") + " ticks");
      Console.WriteLine("Using Microsoft's recommended imp - CreateBySubNetBitLength");
            Console.WriteLine(sw.ElapsedTicks.ToString("#,0") + " ticks");

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