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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How to use Outlook Tasks effectively on mobile devices

Keep your Resolutions and yourself On-Time using Outlook Tasks for Free

Outlook Tasks is a to-do list on steroids  and is one of the most useful features of the free Outlook online/Office 365.

Outlook Tasks is 
sort of a mini-project manager, you can easily add details if you like of Priorities, Actual vs. Target Hours, Percentage Complete and of course a Reminder. Anyone familiar with Microsoft Project will see similarities here.

But what shines with Outlook Tasks, is ability to write once, and share everywhere. You can instantly see you tasks appear on all platforms including 
iPhone and Android phones. See below for instructions to install and use on iPhone and Android phones.
    Creating a detailed new task

    How to access Outlook Tasks from Onedrive on your iOS device through Apple Reminders.

    Accessing OneDrive Tasks via Apple Reminders App - Install Instructions

    1. Open the settings on your iOS device and scroll down and tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

    2. Select your Outlook or Office 365 account containing the tasks you would like to sync to your device.

    3. From the list below, make sure that Reminders is selected.

      Your Outlook / Office 365 tasks should will appear in Apple Reminders.

      Note: Tasks are connected to your Mail account.

    4. From main screen tap Reminders App

    5. Select Tasks and you see your to-do list.

      Tip -  If tasks do not appear straight away!

      Click on Mail App and refresh (swipe down), and head back to Reminders App.


      This will perform a pull request on all information related to the Mail account, and refresh Tasks as well.

    6. Done.

    How to access Outlook Tasks from Onedrive on your Android device

    There are many task apps that synchronize Outlook/Exchange/Outlook 365 on the Google Play store, some free, and some paid awesome apps. Check them out, search for "Outlook Tasks" or "Exchange Tasks" or "Office 365 Tasks" and/or replace "Tasks" with "Todo" on Google Play.

       Tasks & Notes for MS Exchange- screenshot

    We tested this free ToDo app, with a Outlook account and it worked like a charm. Instructions at Google Play to install this app at

    Saturday, November 26, 2016

    SVG, JS and HTA injection with Locky Ransomware

    According Hacker News reported that a Facebook spam campaign as spreading "Locky" ransomewhere through image files in the SVG format and is being dubbed "ImageGate" by popular media.

    Basically, just know that if you click an image on social media and it automatically downloads you shouldn't open it. Meaning don't double click on it once downloaded.Files affected are those that can contain Javascript code, popular infected files are SVG, JS and HTA file exentsions.

    SO don't open a downloaded image file with .SVG extension! 

    Details here -

    Thursday, November 24, 2016

    Phishing Email - Photo Proof Radar

    It was just a matter of time, before this Phishing Email about Photo Radar started showing up. You never get an email in Canada about a photo radar offence.

    Report Phishing URLs at Google now 

    If you have received this email take further action now by click these links

    From: Lennie Sawczyszyn []
    Subject: FW:Photo-Proof - 5435311-080
    You have been registered with a speed infringement:
    Cause: negligent driving
    Violation No: 160420112
    Date of violation: 12/11/2016
    Amount due: 86.31 $CAD
    This fee will be forwarded by mail to your address. 
    However you can check it now, please press here Driver Notification.
    The fine must be honoured within the statutory period of up to 26.11.2016. 
    This is an automated message, please do not reply.

    Driver Notification (scroll window above to the right) is a link to download malware at

    Monday, November 21, 2016

    Phishing Email - BMO Important Security Notice

    For the record, the following BMO Important Security Notice phishing email has been recently circulating.

    <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/></head><p><strong>Dear Customer,<br>
    For your protection, BMO Bank Of Montreal automatically alerts customers when our security platform changes on our systems. We detected unusual activity on your BMO Bank Of Montreal account on 11-09-2016. For your protection, We need you to review your details immediately. <br><br>Click on Sign On below to Start your Acco=
    unt Review. <br>
    <table id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48813" style="back=ground:no-repeat left top" width="100" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor="#3583ae" height="15">
    <tbody id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48812">
    <tr id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48811" bgcolor="#3583">
    <td id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48862" width="15" valign="middle" bgcolor="#3583ae" align="center"></td>
    <td id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48810" width="96" valign="middle" bgcolor="#3583ae" align="center">
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" sid="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_48814" style="text-decoration:none;color:#fff; font:bold 11px arial,sans-serif">Sign On</a></td>
    <strong><font id="x_yiv1078820824yui_3_16_0_1_1399663152274_19828" style="font-size:12px; color:#333333; line-height:18px" face="Verdana, sans-serif"><br>
    Ensure you update your details to avoid account suspension. We Are sorry for any inconveniences. <marquee>
    Thank you for choosing BMO Bank Of Montreal.</marquee></font></strong></td>
    </div></div> <div style="display: none;"></div> </div>  <span class="PersonaPaneLauncher"><div ariatabindex="-1" class="_pe_d _pe_2=
    2" aria-expanded="false" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="false">  <div style="display:none;"></div></div></html>

    Thursday, November 17, 2016

    Mobile Browser Usage has surpassed Desktop Browser Usage

    Well we knew this was going to happen, and happen it did.

    StatCounter Global Stats finds that mobile and tablet devices accounted for 51.3% of internet usage worldwide in October compared to 48.7% by desktop.

    “This should be a wake up call especially for small businesses, sole traders and professionals to make sure that their websites are mobile friendly. Many older websites are not,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter.
    “Mobile compatibility is increasingly important not just because of growing traffic but because Google favours mobile friendly websites for its mobile search results.” He pointed out that Google recently launched a tool where businesses can test their website mobile performance.

    Thursday, November 3, 2016

    Phishing Email - Outlook your account will expire in 48 hours

    For the record, an Outlook phishing email recently circulating. 

    Text Version for search engines 

    From: Outlook [] 
    Sent: November-02-16 6:33 PM
    To: =
    Subject: -> mailbox 
        Dear member (,

    Your account will expire in 48 hours!
    To avoid this please follow the secure link. hides PHISHING ADDRESS -> Regards The Outlook Team
    Buy Me A Coffee