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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lawyer Wordpress Plugin for Sale

New! Professional Lawyer Profile WordPress Plug-in

Attention Lawyers, need a solution to list your lawyers on your WordPress (WP) site today. Then you came to the right place.

Below is how the Lawyer Profile Plugin looks like when your trying to find a Lawyer, once plugin is installed on your site and features: 

→Selecting from a list of Lawyers (ordered by Last Name).  When a specific lawyer is picked, a custom button appears link to profile directly as a shortcut. 

Pick Lists - Easily for Lawyers using dynamically populated pick lists. In other words, you can't pick a non-existing entry. Common fields are displayed, Practice Area, Panel, Designation etc.

Search - You can search with free text search on all WP (i.e. email, username,etc ) and all custom Lawyer fields. Refine searches using using quotation marks and operators (AND,OR).  This search is secure and super optimized for speed, so much so, it's displayed as part of the results.

→Search Result are presented in table with sort-able columns. Note, this can customized to show broad bands and larger profile pictures. 

Here's a sample profile, and notice the search term is highlighted.  

The Lawyer Profile WordPress plug-in makes it easy for manage your lawyer profiles online (add, edit, delete) using the standard WordPress Users Admin screen, with one exception, added TinyMCE which makes editing the fields more like using Microsoft Word. 


The goal of this plug-in was to make a simple to use  so that any 
executive administrators, secretary, receptionist and lawyer would able to manage or create profiles online, allot like a resume online.

High Level Features (it's everything you want)

  1. This plug-in allows for the creation of a custom lawyer profile with any custom fields such as Profile Picture, Practice Area, Last Updated, Firm, Job Title, Professional Designations, , Certifications, Academic Qualifications, etc whatever you find you need to display to your visitors.
  2. Profile Editor features cut and pasting from Microsoft Word keeping the formatting 
  3. Visitors can choose from custom field pick lists (Practice Area, Country) to filter lawyers profiles with.  Note, only current values are listed in the pick list, preventing searches with no results.
  4. Visitors can search on any term, and use quoted terms like "Martindale-Hubbell BV Distinguished". Moreover, search support AND and OR operators on all fields efficiently.  Additionally, there is a List All option, with pop-up warning if you have allot of users.  Sample searches;

    1. "Advertising Law" and LA USA
    2. and or "Advertising Law" and AND or LA OR or or and USA and or

    Search tested up to 1,500 terms or 5,000 characters long. 

Live Implementation (it's proven and it works for a real customer)

Try it for yourself live at The proof is in the implementation. 


If you are interest in this solution, please feel at easy to contact me at for a quote.

Video (this version has row zoom, and has been disabled at

Technical Specifications

  1. Lawyer registration form and email invite to join
  2. Lawyers can be permitted to edit their own profile and log-in to edit
  3. Administrators can approval of new profiles, or strictly create profiles only by Administrators
  4. Administrators can create  any number of custom named profile fields using following field types (Input, Check-Box, Radio Buttons, Date Picker, Text Areas, Upload Fields, Drop-Down Lists, Prefilled Drop-Down Lists, Profile Picture Upload, etc).
  5. Administrators can easy cut and paste for Microsoft Word documents and save the formatting, tables and bulltes! This is done by integrating TinyMCE Editor, a huge request for this. 
  6. Administrators can add profile picture
  7. Administrators can fully customize front-end profile listing
  8. Visitors use search to find lawyer profiles. This is a high intuitive and optimized speedy search that finds search terms across all custom profile fields and native Wordpress fields for a user. So optimized I call this search Logicktronic Search, and has some special geek features suck as super speed and logical boolean reduction (you can AND and OR terms which are quoted too)
  9. Visitors can filter using pick lists (drop-down lists boxes which are dynamically enumerated, not fixed) so you know you search on only valid up-to-date fields
  10. Contact to see behind the scenes administration screens

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