
Friday, January 28, 2011

Installing KlamAV GUI on Ubuntu 10.10

KlamAV - ClamAV for KDE download |

To resolve error : uid 1000 or gid 1000 errors 

believed to occur when Clamav and klamav are installed on the same system when using ubuntu 10.10.

open terminal
cd  /var/lib
sudo rmdir clamav folder
mkdir /home/username/.clamav/database
open clamav the new folder should be recognized as 

New virus signatures will be downloaded. 

Other ClamAV Gui is clamtk

Typically, a build is done this way from ClamAV

Build ClamAV
First, make a "build" subdirectory. This will enable you to easily delete your build files if something goes wrong and you need to re-configure and try again.

mkdir build && cd build
Next, select the build options you desire. For a full list of configuration options, see the "Custom CMake options" section in the file included with the source code.

To help you get started, here are some popular build configurations.

The Default Build
The default build type is RelWithDebInfo, that is "Release mode with Debugging symbols". It will install to /usr/local.

cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install

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