Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why are malware viruses so widespread?

This is the perennial question, that will not die. Here's one major reason why.

Microsoft security engineer Matt Miller from Microsoft Security Response Center
 gave a recent presentation at a security conference tracking malware attacks across Microsoft software for the last 12 years. In slide 10 of the presentation, he states around 70 percent of all Microsoft patches were fixes for memory safety bugs

The reason for this high percentage is because Windows operating system has been written mostly in C and C++. These "memory-unsafe" programming languages that allow developers fine-grained control of the memory addresses where their code can be executed, but also can leave gaping holes. 

Like Windows, Apple Macintosh operating system and Iphone OS (which is a variant of Unix, a Linux predecessor) and Linux variants are all written in "memory-unsafe" C or C++, primarily for speed. Kernels have been traditionally written in C. C's philosophy was to trust the programmer.

It would require a tremendous effort to re-write, the OS into a memory safe language.

Specifically, as of 26 September 2018, using then-current 20,088,609 LOC (lines of code) for the Linux kernel version 4.14.14  and the current US National average programmer salary of $75,506 show it would cost approximately $14 Billion dollars to rewrite the existing GPL-2.0 code that existing contributors still have claimed to if they decided to rescind the grant of license to the kernel source.  Source:

What is a Memory-unsafe bug?

Memory-unsafe bugs happen when software, accidentally or intentionally, accesses system memory in a way that exceeds its allocated size and memory addresses, accessing other parts of the system to gain elevated privileges or impregnate custom malware code into that adjacent memory space.

Memory-unsafe bugs have similar terms such as buffer overflow, race condition, page fault, null pointer, stack exhaustion, heap exhaustion/corruption, use after free, or double free --all describe memory safety vulnerabilities. 

There is a tension for whom the responsibility resides with, the language/compiler or the operating system. 

The C philosophy is always trust the programmer. And also not checking bounds allows a C program to run faster. The problem is that C/C++ doesn't actually do any boundary checking with regards to arrays. It depends on the OS to ensure that you are accessing valid memory.

There is only one solution and that is to re-write the entire Windows Operating system in a memory-safe language like Rust. That is starting to be addressed

Here's a brief review of one unsafe memory bug, stack overflow.

Source Slides :

Stack Overflow Attack Source Slides

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