Action: Upgrade to 7.3.3 immediately.
Notepad++ official addresses the CIA hack.
Recent Wikileaks release mentions "Notepad++" hack for spying on users, under the section called "Fine Dining Tool Module Lists" at https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_20251107.html.
DLL Hijack | Notepad++ | User, Note Taker-Text Editor | Operator takes notes or views documents while collection is occurring |
Notepad++ 7.3.3 (change.log) bug-fixs & enhancements:
1. Fix CIA Hacking Notepad++ issue (https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/cms/page_26968090.html).
DLL Hijack Explained
Read my post on how DLL Hijack works even today for programs including Skype.
nice post